Friday, January 28, 2011

Fedora 12 on Vmware network disabled on restore


I have a fedora 12 guest running on VMWare on windows 7. I use it mainly for the occasional linux dev. Whenever I restart the guest, networking works fine. But if I close the VMware player and save state, the next time I start the image, networking is disabled (red x on the network icon. message saying networking disabled). I can't seem to find a way to restore networking. I have to reboot the guest to get my network access back again. My Ubuntu image doesn't have this problem. I can close the player and when I re run the image, I can pick up where I left off, with all the open firefox windows and application windows as I left them. Fedora saves state, but doesn't seem to enable networking.

There is a relevant warning I have seen "SELinux is preventing /sbin/ifconfig "read" access to/var/run/vmware-active-nics." But I am not sure how to solve it.

I know fedora isn't officially supported by VMware, but it seems to be working fine for the most part and meeting my needs, except for this one little issue.

Any help would be much appreciated.

  • Have you tried "disabling" and then "enabling" networking via the network icon?

    Chaitanya : I can't. When I click on the network icon, the only option "networking disabled". I can't enable it from the "network center" either.
    : How about via the "ifdown" and "ifup" commands?
  • Do you have vmware tools installed on the fedora VM? Do that first and try it.

    My experience with SELinux is that it causes me more problems than it solves. I disable it as one of the first steps that I do on a new box.

    Chaitanya : Yup. I have vwware tools installed. Turning off SElinux didn't make any difference. I did it by editing the /etc/selinux/config file
  • Try running setenforce 0 as root before saving the state and running setenforce 1 after restoring. If this works, then read the Troubleshooting section of the Fedora SELinux Guide.


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