Thursday, February 3, 2011

Shell MySQL Backups - What's your solution?

I'm looking for a great solution to backup my MySQL databases - all of them. I'd like each one in at least it's own file. I need FTP ability later, but not right now. Right now I just need it to save on the same server that it's running on.

What do you use?


I suppose I should be clearer in what I'm asking for... I'm looking for a bash script that will utilize mysqldump to creat individual backup files for each database or an individual file for a table if the table is large enough.

  • I use a simple Bash script that does a mysqldump and then a rsync (easily use ftp) to a another offiste machine.

    very simple yet it works!

    no need to take the database down either.


    From Luma
  • You can use this script:

    MYSQL="$(which mysql)"
    MYSQLDUMP="$(which mysqldump)"
    GZIP="$(which gzip)"
    DB_LIST="$($MYSQL -u $MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASS -Bse 'show databases')"
    for db in $DB_LIST;
        BACKUP_SUBDIR="$BACKUP_DIR/mysql_`date +%Y-%m-%d`"
        if [ ! -d $BACKUP_SUBDIR ]; then
            mkdir -p $BACKUP_SUBDIR
        if [ -f $BACKUP_FILE ]; then
            unlink $BACKUP_FILE
    Seishun : It will create a gzipped file for each database on your server in the backup directory. It's the script I am using on my server.
    Webnet : What permissions does /opt/backup/ need to have? Also, what settings do you recommend for Mysqldump and gzip? What should MYSQL be?
    Seishun : Definitely, you'll want the directory to be writable by the user that will set up the cronjob for backup. MYSQL="$(which mysql)" will contain the full path to the mysql executable on your system, through the use of 'which' command.
    From Seishun
  • I've been using this AutoMySQLBackup script for my mysqldumps. Does daily, weekly, monthly backups and rotations. Quite handy.

    Joe : I use AutoMySQLBackup as well, from a remote server. That way, even if the MySQL server I'm backing up dies, I still have the data.
    From Lon
  • This daily backup will create a backup of your db and it will create 4 day backups and rotate them. You can then backup that folder to a remote site.

    #!/bin/bash -x
    # Marco Maldonado MySQL Backup
    # Version 1.0 September 9 2008
    # comments
    MYSQL=`which mysql`
    MYSQLDUMP=`which mysqdump`
    dbs=`$MYSQL -u root -pYOURPASSWORD -Bse 'show databases'`
    for db in $dbs
    rm -rf $BACKUPS/$db.3
    mv $BACKUPS/$db.2 $BACKUPS/$db.3
    mv $BACKUPS/$db.1 $BACKUPS/$db.2
    mv $BACKUPS/$db.0 $BACKUPS/$db.1
    #mkdir $BACKUPS/$db.0
    #$HOTCOPY $userpassword $db $BACKUPS/$db.0
    mysqldump -u root -pIndr@sN3t $db  > $BACKUPS/$db.0

    Make sure you have a folder inside /opt and you call it backups

    From Marco


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