Saturday, February 19, 2011

What are the best Java social networking frameworks?

I would like to create a private customized social networking for my company employees and partners so that they can collaborate, exchange messages, share experiences (events, book references, etc) and be grouped into communities. Does anybody know good Java framework for start developing this?

I would be looking for something that would contain basic components such as Profile, Friend List, Community, Events, Messages, etc. Each of this component could be extended to implement domain specific features. It would be nice if it also supports OpenSocial.

From stackoverflow
  • A social networking is a bit too specific to have a specialty framework built for it - i'd be quite surprised if it exists!

    you'd probably need to write it from scratch.But good java based web frameworks are abound - Struts, or Webwork is good, and so is spring mvc. If you dont mind using groovy, grails is the best out there.

    Christoffer Soop : If it is specific it is easier to write a framework for it. The only problem would be that the user base may be too small to support the framework. Given the interest in social networking... I would say it is not.
    Chii : the userbase of social networking app framework is not users of social networking sites, but programmers writing social networking sites. and i cant imagine there are that many of those, and so the frameworks are lacking too. See how many web-application frameworks there are? thats because the demand is there. Is there demand for lots of different social networking apps, all written by different people? probably way less than the demand for CMS and shopping carts, which is what my answer alludes to. Social networking is too specific and not reusable enough to be made a framework.
  • Shindig is in incubation at Apache :

    YouTube Link About Shindig :

    A List of Open Source Social Networking >Applications< Written in Java:

  • Collective Intelligence in Action could be helpful if you also like to leverage the data gathered in your social web application.

  • is built in JAVA. It is a customizable social networking website builder.

    I can help you. Email me at



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