Thursday, March 3, 2011

Remove quotes from named environement variables in Windows scripts

I want to store a URL prefix in an Windows environment variable. The ampersands in the query string makes this troublesome though.

For example: I have a URL prefix of "", and want to create a full URL by providing a value for the bar param. I then want to launch that url using the "start" command.

Adding quotes around the value for the SET operation is easy enough:

set myvar=""

Windows includes the quotes in the actual value though (thanks Windows!):

echo %myvar%

I know that I can strip quotes away from batch file arguments by using tilde:

echo %~1

However, I can't seem to do it to named variables:

echo %~myvar%

What's the syntax for accomplishing this?

From stackoverflow
  • I think this should do it:

    for /f "tokens=*" %i in (%myvar%) do set %myvar%=%~i

    But you do not need this,

    set myvar=""
    start "" %myvar%

    Will work too, you just need to supply a title to the start command.

    Craig Walker : The start command doesn't work. The ampersand in the URL terminates the line, thus dropping the last URL param. It launches the browser but it's the wrong URL.
  • This is not a limitation of the environment variable, but rather the command shell.

    Enclose the entire assignment in quotes:

    set "myvar="

    Though if you try to echo this, it will complain as the shell will see a break in there.

    You can echo it by enclosing the var name in quotes:

    echo "%myvar%"

    Or better, just use the set command to view the contents:

    set myvar
  • echo %myvar:"=%

  • Use delayed environment variable expansion and use !var:~1,-1! to remove the quotes:

    @echo off
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    set myvar=""
    set myvarWithoutQuotes=!myvar:~1,-1!
    echo !myvarWithoutQuotes!


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