Thursday, March 31, 2011

TFS build, which file do I add my custom tasks too?


New to TFS build.

I am looking at the .proj file right now, and I see it references the file.

Which file do I add my custom tasks too? And where is that file located (if its not the .proj file).

I want to add a custom task to run dotfuscator (command line tool) and pass it a .xml file as a parameter.

From stackoverflow
  • Hi

    You can add the custom steps into the main proj file or you can create your own targets file if you want to keep the two separate. You should leave the alone!

  • The add custom targets to the main TFSBuild.proj file. Microsoft include a number of target names designed for you to override them by creating a target with that name in your TFSBuild.proj file.

    For example, I have a target that runs and creates my Wix installer, zips documentation up etc and that lives in the

    Target which occurs towards the end of the Team Build process, just before everything is copied over to the drop location.

    For a reference to all the targets that you can override in a TFS2008 build see the following article in MSDN:

    Good luck,



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