Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Which classic CS and programming books have you read and did you find an alternative book that explained the concepts in an easier way?

Which classic CS and programming books have you read and then you find an alternative book that explained the concepts in an easier way?

From stackoverflow
  • Data structures programming by Trembley and Sorenson and then I shifted to Tenenbaum

  • The Art of Computer Programming books by Donald Knuth aren't as clear as the Introduction to Algorithms book by Cormen, Leiserson & Rivest.

  • The C Programming Language by Kerhigan and Ritchie is always a favorite.

    Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen is also a good read. Hard topics, but the book makes them understandable and if you need more help, much of the information can be further explained by searching Wikipedia.

    Deitel's C++ How to Program is another book I really like.

  • The Psychology of Computer Programming, by Gerald Weinberg. A must-read!!

  • The classic: Gang of Four: Design Patterns

    The better alternative: Head First Design Patterns


    the Head First book does not discuss the implementation is such detail;

    the GOF is too strongly coupled with the C++ language even if the patterns are applicable to the other OO languages;

    the Head First book also contains a lot of OO principles and discussions that explain these principles, making the patterns easier to understand

    peacedog : I haven't read Head First Design Patters, but I have to say that I like the approach the Head First books take in general.
  • The famous CLRS book, Introduction to Algorithms, and The Algorithm Design Manual where I found the latter one to be easier to understand as it also deals with real life situations like job interview questions.


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