Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Why is my django view returning a zero obejct list?


I might be lazy or am blind! but the following code is returning ZERO! items, while very well i know there is some items in the list,


def post_answer(request, quest_id=None):
    answer_list = Answer.objects.filter
# if a put a print stmt here ( answer_list[0].answer ) there is
# data displayed on the console!!

return render_to_response('myapp/post_answer.html',{'answerobj':answer_list }} )

Template post_answer.html:

{% regroup answerobj.object_list by answer as ans_list %}{{ ans_list|length }}

the above code prints 0.

I must be goofing somewhere, pls assist


From stackoverflow
  • try : {% regroup answerobj by answer as ans_list %}{{ ans_list|length }} object_list isn't required.

  • Tries Bharath technique but still nothing!!

    Strange thing is i've tried on other Models and worked perfect, its kinda a trick i use to debug my apps, see if the views send any data to the templates ...

    Still stuck!!!

    Daniel : This isn't an answer... delete it and move it to a comment on Bharath's post.
    Daniel : BTW, Bharath's answer is correct. make sure "answer" is actually an attribute of the "Answer" model


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