Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wordpress host IP changed.

Hi, I've got a Wordpress site on our home intranet that has run into trouble now that the IP address has changed - The index page loads, but not the CSS and I can't log in to the site administration panel.

Unfortunately I am a bit behind on backups. Is there a way to get Wordpress to refer to the new IP address?

From stackoverflow
  • What I'd do is dump its database, globally search and replace the old IP to the new IP, and load the database back in.

  • I ran into this problem once. Loginto your DB and check your wp_options (if wp_ is your table prefix) and then search for all records and replace your old ip with new.

    Possible columns to have the old ip would be 'permalinks' etc.. Sorry I cant see my blog's table structure now otherwise I would have posted the correct column name.

  • I ran into this problem before when I was migrating a site from test to production. Conveniently, MySQL has a string replace function.

    Try something like this:

    UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content,"http://localhost","")
    cdmckay : Sorry, this is what you'd do to make all the links work... you need to fix your IP in the wp_options table to be able to login. Try scouring Google, there are many posts telling you how to do this.
  • You have to change the 'home' and 'siteurl' in the settings. Since you cannot open the admin side of wordpress, open the database in phpMyAdmin(or something similar).

    The options can be found in the 'wp_options' table(wp_ prefix might be different). Find the necessary setting using this query...

    SELECT * FROM `wp_options` WHERE `option_name` IN ('siteurl', 'home')

    Change the values of both the options to the new IP.

  • use hostnames!

  • You have two places to update this (well three, but we'll stick with the two).

    If you can still log into your admin section, type the following for your URI /wp-admin/options.php - so for example, if your site is http://localhost then your full URL will be http://localhost/wp-admin/options.php. Once you've logged into your site you should see two Fields (well you'll see a lot of fields), but you'll want to look for the two with URL's in them - the Site URL and the Blog URL (in WP 2.7 the fields are labeled "home" and "siteurl", not sure on the other versions).

    Or, you can log into MySQL database and run the following.

    Select * from wp_options where option_id = 1 OR option_id = 39;

    I just ran this today on one of my installs. If you're option_value is set to your localhost - you can then run the following:

    update wp_options set option_value='' where option_id = 1;
    update wp_options set option_value='' where option_id = 39;

    This should update your table structure.


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