Can someone provide a good explanation (hopefully with examples) of these 3 most important delegates:Predicate Action Func.
What other delegates a csharp developer should be aware of?
How often do you use them in production code?
Actually, I recently ran across this Blog entry which does a pretty good job.
: essentiallyFunc<T, bool>
; asks the question "does the specified argument satisfy the condition represented by the delegate?" Used in things like List.FindAll.Action
: Perform an action given the arguments. Very general purpose. Not used much in LINQ as it implies side-effects, basically.Func
: Used extensively in LINQ, usually to transform the argument, e.g. by projecting a complex structure to one property.
Other important delegates:
: Used all over WinFormsComparison<T>
: LikeIComparer<T>
but in delegate form.
Perpetualcoder : just like I wanted +1gWiz : There's also `System.Converter`, though it's rarely used. Michael Stum : The Converter is a nice delegate when a lot of Converting of Model into Business classes is needed, i.e. -
In addition to Jon's answer, there is also
Converter<TInput, TOutput>
: It's essentiallyFunc<TInput, TOutput>
, but with semantics. Used by List.ConvertAll and Array.ConvertAll, but personally haven't seen it anywhere else.
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