Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Disinheriting(?) / overriding .ToString to access COM Object .toString

I have a java library that I am accessing in VB.NET via COM. The objects on the java side expose non-trivial .toString methods that I need for debugging. Unfortunately, when I call .toString on the COM objects, the call is being intercepted by the Object class' .ToString function.

How do I force the call to the COM-side .toString and prevent Object.ToString from firing?

From stackoverflow
  • Do you have access to the IDL for the java object? Are you generating the runtime callable wrapper for the COM object?

    I think you should change the interop assembly or manually generate the wrapper to change the toString() method to toStringJava() or to_String() or something else that doesn't clash with the syntax for object.ToString(). Here's a starting point on MSDN for customizing runtime callable wrappers.

    Dan Coates : I think you may have lead me down the right path on this. There is no IDL for the object and I don't have access to the source code. I suspect that in order to do this, I would have to create the IDL/RCW manually and then alias it. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/x8fbsf00.aspx
    Hamish Smith : That's all I was trying to do. Glad it helped.


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