I use Delphi 7 with DBExpress. I want to fully migrate my app to firebird 2.1. I already know what to do at the server side but not really sure at client side.
In the TSQLConnection component I see that vendorLib property points to GDS32.dll. The driverName is Interbase and getDriverFunc is getSQLDriverINTERBASE.
I don't know what to do in order to my connection use fbclient.dll. I tried simply changing gds32.dll to fbclient.dll in vendorLib, but it caused some access violations in my app.
Any tips?
Use ZeosDB components for accessing FireBird DB.
The Interbase DBX driver doesn't support Firebird 2.1 (you'll have problems with certain field types - BLOBs for example). There are rumors that D2010 (which must enter in Beta soon) will support Firebird.
So, you can expect the Weawer or buy a commercial Firebird DBX driver (see Upscene's site or, DevArt/CoreLab's ones).
Also, perhaps is better that when you install Firebird to check the 'Generate gds32.dll for compatibility with older applications' - or something similar - I don't have now in front of my eyes the FB installation kit.
Maybe you should rename fbclient.dll to gds32.dll and replace it. Read this - it's not exactly your case, but maybe you should try the same way.
There is also some dbx drivers for Firebird in UIB in \Misc\dbexpress
For completing this I know also dbx drivers for Delphi 2007/2009 at IBExpert
and others connectivity to access Firebird with Delphi http://www.firebirdfaq.org/faq7/
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