Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Python Application in right click menu of OS X

Hi All,

I know that there is the PyObjC bridge is OSX and what I want to do is to put a python application/script in the rightclick context menu of OS X. there is the OnMyCommand plugin but I dont think that supports python. I've had a look at how to do it in Carbon/ Objective-C and i'll admit it im a wuss and am just not smart enough yet to grok how to do it (I aint even close to groking it actually.)

Anybody got any idea's on how I might go about this?


From stackoverflow
  • Looking through the documentation for OnMyCommand (neat find by the way) I would say you shouldn't have any problem using a Python script. Just make sure the Python script is executable and in your PATH.

    Going along with the example in 1, instead of executing touch you would simply execute your Python script.

    Mark Underwood : seems like youre right. Given you the answer as yours was the best one. Chalk it up to "actually read the manual"


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