Tuesday, May 3, 2011

are they adding copy_if to c++0x?

It's very annoying that copy_if is not in C++. Does anyone know if it will be in C++0x?

From stackoverflow
  • Since the C++0x is not yet finalized, you can only take a look at the most recent draft.

    rlbond : Sweet raptor Jesus, there it is.
    David Thornley : By now, C++0x is pretty well finalized, and the most recent draft is darn close to what the final version will be.
    Dana the Sane : I agree, I was just reading that gcc 4.4 already has some support for the draft.
  • In the meantime, it's not very hard to make your own copy_if() using remove_copy_if():

    #include <functional>
    struct my_predicate : std::unary_function<my_arg_type, bool> {
        bool operator()(my_arg_type const& x) const { ... }
    // To perform "copy_if(x, y, z, my_predicate())", write:
    remove_copy_if(x, y, z, std::not1(my_predicate()));

    Using not1() requires your predicate class to supply a nested type, argument_type, identifying the type of the argument -- as shown above, one convenient way to do this is to derive from unary_function<T, U>, where T is the argument type.


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