Sunday, May 1, 2011

Calculate broadcast address from ip and subnet mask


I want to calculate the broadcast address for e.g -IP -Subnet =

in C.

I know the way (doing fancy bitwise OR's between the inversed IP and Subnet), but my problem is I come from the green fields of MacOSX Cocoa programing. I looked into the source of ipcal, but wasn't able to integrate it into my code base. There must be a simple 10 line of code example somewhere on the internet, I just can't find it. Could someone point me to a 10 line of code example of how to do it in C.

Cheers, Kolja

From stackoverflow
  • Just calculate

    broadcast = ip | ( ~ subnet )

    (Broadcast = ip-addr or the inverted subnet-mask)

    The broadcast address has a "1" bit where the subnet mask has a "0" bit.

  • Could it be?

    unsigned broadcast(unsigned ip,unsigned subnet){
        unsigned int bits = subnet ^ 0xffffffff; 
        unsigned int bcast = ip | bits;
        return bcast;

    Edit: I considered that both ip and subnet are without "."

  • I'm not sure if you are trying to do it in C, C# or Objective C. Here is a C example that calculates all the components you want based on IP address and netmask

  • That was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks to all of you.



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