I have the following Groovy+SwingBuilder code.
In one panel I generate checkboxes and in another panel I want to access the values of the checkboxes. The code looks basically likes this:
def optionsmap = [ foo : "value_foo",
bar : "value_bar"]
frame(title:'demo1', size:[400,700],
visible:true, defaultCloseOperation:WC.EXIT_ON_CLOSE) {
gridLayout(rows: 1, cols: 2)
panel(id:'optionPanel', constraints:java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER) {
gridLayout(rows: 5, cols: 1)
myGroup = buttonGroup();
for (entry in optionsmap)
checkBox(id: entry.key, text: entry.value )
panel(constraints:java.awt.BorderLayout.WEST) {
button ('Show values', actionPerformed: {
for (entry in optionsmap)
println (entry.key as Class).text
optionsmap is a map with (id, text) pairs that can be extended.
When I press "show values" I get an error message:
org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.GroovyCastException: Cannot cast object 'foo' with class 'java.lang.String' to class 'java.lang.Class'
How could I access the checkboxes for my action in the second panel by using the checkbox ids from optionsmap?
Thank you if you can help
From stackoverflow
The solution to access variables from the map is like this:
for (entry in optionsmap) { if (variables[entry.key].selected) println variables[entry.key].text }
This does not work. the variables is set to null and hence the program is throwing nullpointer exception
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