Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How to Persist Variable on Postback

I created a single page (with code behind .vb) and created Public intFileID As Integer

in the Page load I check for the querystring and assign it if available or set intFileID = 0.

Public intFileID As Integer = 0

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
    If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
        If Not Request.QueryString("fileid") Is Nothing Then
            intFileID = CInt(Request.QueryString("fileid"))
        End If

        If intFileID > 0 Then
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub GetFile()
    'uses intFileID to retrieve the specific record from database and set's the various textbox.text
End Sub

There is a click event for the Submit button that inserts or updates a record based on the value of the intFileID variable. I need to be able to persist that value on postback for it all to work.

The page simply inserts or updates a record in a SQL database. I'm not using a gridview,formview,detailsview, or any other rad type object which persists the key value by itself and I don't want to use any of them.

How can I persist the value set in intFileID without creating something in the HTML which could possibly be changed.

[EDIT] Changed Page_Load to use ViewState to persist the intFileID value

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
    If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
     If Not Request.QueryString("fileid") Is Nothing Then
      intFileID = CInt(Request.QueryString("fileid"))
     End If

     If intFileID > 0 Then
     End If

     ViewState("intFileID") = intFileID
     intFileID = ViewState("intFileID")
    End If
End Sub
From stackoverflow
  • Store it in the Session.

    Page.Session["MyPage_FileID"] = intFileID

    You'll need to have logic that manages it as the user navigates around, but if it is always set when the page loads from a GET (or you clear it, if not available on GET) then you should be ok using it later from the Session on your submit PostBack.

    Brian Boatright : thanks! Where should I set the value? just after initializing intFileID in the Page Load?
    tvanfosson : Add it to the session after it has its final value. In your case, after you set the value from the request parameters.
  • Store in:

    • Session
    • ViewState
    • Hidden input
  • As others have pointed out, you can store it in the Session or the ViewState. If it's page specific, I like to store it in the ViewState as opposed to the Session, but I don't know if one method is generally preferred over the other.

    In VB, you would store an item in the ViewState like:

    ViewState(key) = value

    And retrieve it like:

    value = ViewState(key)

    You can read more here.

  • Remember:

    Each time your server code runs, it's in a brand new instance of your page class. That's for every postback.

  • Just to summarize what is said above.

    You can use Session, Viewstate, or a hidden field.

    I personally prefer viewstate as it will work in web farm environments, Session does not, it does not store it on the server waiting for the user, for up to 20 minutes to be removed, and in general viewstate is the place to be for page level data.

    You can use a hidden field, but then a user could more easily modify it.

    Brian Boatright : thanks for the details about Session. This app will probably never scale to a beyond a shared hosting account but it's good to know up front.
  • Actually, since an ASP.NET page postbacks to itself - including the query string - you could just remove the If Not Page.IsPostBack condition. Then it'd set itself on each postback.

  • I personally would choose to store the value in control state instead of viewstate as viewstate can easily be switched off. ControlState will persist even if viewstate is switched off for any reason. I have included an example on how this may be done.

    Private intFileId As Integer = 0
    Public Property FileID() As Integer
            Return intFileId
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As Integer)
            intFileId = value
        End Set
    End Property
    Protected Overrides Function SaveControlState() As Object
        Dim objState(2) As Object
        objState(0) = MyBase.SaveControlState()
        objState(1) = Me.FileID
        Return objState
    End Function
    Protected Overrides Sub LoadControlState(ByVal savedState As Object)
        Dim objState() As Object
        objState = savedState
        Me.FileID = CInt(objState(1))
    End Sub
    Protected Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Init
    End Sub
    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
            If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString("fileid")) Then
                Me.FileID = CInt(Request.QueryString("fileid"))
            End If
        End If
    End Sub
    Brian Boatright : thanks for the sample. I'll have to read up on that method.
  • Hi, How do you access viewstate or session variables within client-side javascript code please? Thanks for your help, Julien


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