I'm a complete selenium newbie. Where should I start if I want to learn how to use it?
Download the firefox plugin to begin. You can record, replay some tests. There are some video tutorials.
Look at this intro
I've used Selenium in two different ways:
Selenium Remote Control - Great at scripting tests that manipulate a large amount of data to hit or insert into a website because you can manipulate the Selenium commands from a real programming language (I used Ruby).
Selenium IDE - Excellent at making quick scripts to demonstrate problems and single path execution of a website. The Firefox plugin integration is excellent and easy to use. Non-developers can even create and submit scripts to demonstrate problems.
Pick one of the two ways and write a script to do something routine on the web (check for latest Hockey scores from NHL.com, etc). After you have that super-simple script running, try something more complex.
Really depends on what you want to do with Selenium.
I definitely recommend getting Selenium IDE if you don't know what you're doing because it does most things automatically and gives you an intro to how you would use Selenium Remote Control.
Selenium Remote Control lets you use Selenium from your favourite language. From there it depends on what language you want to use for where you get help. I use Java/JUnit and I just use google/documentation/stackoverflow whenever there's something I'm not sure how to do and that Selenium IDE won't tell me how to do.
I would suggest to start from an overview automated web testing with selenium presentation on scribd
Hello Friends, Am new to selenium,Could anyone clarify my doubt in Selenium RC.I have created test case and test suite and saved it in .html format.Now,how do i execute the test suite in ruby.I have tried saving & running my test suite(xxx.rb) from command prompt and got the error message (xxx.rb:1: syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting $end ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?)
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